Saturday, April 27, 2013

Artist does Paleo

Some of you know I'm a green juicing freak. Kale spinach greens beets lemon blueberries apples are a regular part of my diet. And when I don't juice I always am missing it in my system
After a winter of pasta and wine, however, I'm finding I have too much cheese, in all the wrong places. Cottage Cheese belongs along a side of greens if anywhere and not on my thighs. :( (big sad face)
So hence my decision to venture on a month of paleo. I am consciously choosing to remove starches, sugars and processed crap. I don't have lots of these foods in my diet now. But I could always do better.
There are lots of great articles out there on the paleo diet so ill let you a do the work on your search engines. But if anyone wants to join me and share your progress here on my blog as a guest blogger or on my Facebook page, I whole heartedly welcome that. That way we can share experiences, meals, recipes and tricks of the trade.
Then June will be here and we'll all be beach body ready
Who's with me?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

whole thing

It's been a week of blogging time lapses of my large paintings on canvas.  This piece, entitled, "Whole Thing Poppies" was inspired by a group of musicians that put together the project called The Big Blue Ball. In today's blog, I'm including two recorded versions of this song, one sung by Peter Gabriel, the other by the musician Andy White. I had the amazing fortune to meet Andy a couple of years ago, as well as live paint one of his performances at Swallow Hill in Denver, Colorado. I hope you enjoy both videos this morning, and have an awesome rest of your week :)

(I apologize for the shakey start of this video of Andy White, but i'm pretty sure this song moved me to a tear or two that night, the song is just one of those that have that effect on me and to hear it live was over the top)

Andy White's performance

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

thank you Something Underground. Lovity LOVE!

Yesterday I posted an art video to the lovely music of Dave Preston. Today to warm us a bit, and after I saw a "thank you" video posted on YouTube, I am choosing to post a video made to the music of Something Underground <3.
Love is for you and for me...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lollipops and Snow

Just because of today's Colorado precipitation, I am sharing this painting with you. The song and the piece reminds me of a snowy surrealistic landscape.  Now this painting lives somewhere in San Francisco where I believe it never snows, but often times can feel as cold.  May today's artwork and beautiful music of Dave Preston  warm your heart on chilly spring days like these - when the buds on the trees are praying for sun.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I would like to share my "Sunny Day" with you

A dear person and friend, Chrissy Hammett, recently relocated from Denver, Colorado to Maui, Hawaii. Before she left our fine city, she had asked me to make a very special painting for her. One that combined her adoration of Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night"with her new found love of chasing rainbows. In this painting, which we titled "Sunny Day," I hope you can see the connection. Please enjoy the following time lapse painting and wonder for yourself where dreaming just may take you :)