Greetings for this lovely Tuesday afternoon!
There's a great new little - yet growing ART ONLINE SALES website that I am quickly growing to love! Formerly known as ARTtwo50 , Vango is a great place to shop for original and affordable art online. Artists get to submit works that start at a sales range of $100-$250. Once you sell $500 worth of work, you get to move up in a tiered system. I have seen quality work on this site, and have already sold a painting that is currently traveling from my studio in Denver, Colorado to a home in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. My first official painting to travel to the Middle East. For that I am most grateful!
What I appreciate about Vango is that I can focus more time on making work, while they help promote my art. When a piece sells, part of their small commission pays for the shipping of the works, so all you have to do is show up at the post office or UPS and drop the work off.
Yes, I know, this sounds like a commercial for their company.
But I have to share what I like as a full time working artist, and this is one site that has worked for me.
Right now I think I have about 16 works for sale, all at crazy affordable pricing for original works.
If you're a working artist, I hope you take the time to check out their system, and maybe it will be a great fit for you. If you're a collector, then I hope you find some great art on there for yourself!
In the meantime, I thank you for continuing to read my blogs, and I hope you enjoy the new works - Like these newest Poppies shown below as well as a new set of abstracts that I have uploaded to the site with the titles "Spirit," "Free All Every One" and "Love Inside My Mind"
"We Grow With Light and Love" 24"x24" |
"When I Find My Light Poppies" 24"x18" |
"Spirit" 12"x12" |
"Free All Every One" 12"x12" |
"Love Inside My Mind" 12"x12" |
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