Wednesday, July 10, 2013

an Artist's opinion of her Green Juicing machine

more on GREEN "JUICE" and SMOOTHIES...

So many people ask me about my juicing and I LOVE talking about it because its a huge part of keeping me healthy in my frantic crazy artsy lifestyle...

So I wrote about this on Facebook today, because a childhood friend of mine asked about what Blender I use to make all my green drinks, and I told her and she commented (very rightfully so) that it was very expensive. And I agree with her- it wasn't something that I just rolled out to the store and bought on a whim. But the blender and green drinks have become such a regular and consistent part of my daily diet, I have found that over time, it was one of THE BEST appliance investments I have ever made. But more importantly, I am making an investment in my health. And I've researched that adding a daily green drink to your diet can be one of the most effective dietary changes you can make, in addition to removing sugar from your daily routine. There are more things obviously you can do, but my knowledge is more of the art world, than the green drink world...I'm not an expert, I'm just sharing from personal experience.

Yes, in 2008 I splurged on a Blentec and spent about $400 - I have the classic series 

and yes it's a whopping $450 today, but I've had it for almost 6 years and use it everyday. I was in Whole Foods the other day and saw "raw green smoothies" for sale for 8oz with a whopping pricetag of $6.99!!!!

So here's the financial breakdown of it all.
If I used the blender 4 days a week for 52 weeks for 6 years that's 1248 Green Smoothies I've made, or almond milk, or made my own ice cream, or soups or whatever - but mostly I make green smoothies / green juice. Each time I juice I actually make about 48 Oz. of "Juice", so I have enough for breakfast and one for mid day.

So I'm down to my 48 oz of juice (not including the produce) costing me .32 each time ive used it. (maybe check my math, I'm an artist not a mathematician...)

if I bought 1248 green drinks averaging even $4 a pop (and that's not even 48 oz that's for about 8-12 oz) that's $4992 spent on green drinks in 6 years time.

and so I chose to spend $400, or rather invest $400 in my health.

For me - a person who drinks green juices's totally worth saving up for.
Thank you Teresa Brobst Whalen you've inspired me to go blog about this. I hope you find the perfect green drink machine for you and your family. :) xoxo I guarantee it will be one of the best investments you can make in your own health and well being.

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